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Telegram СкачатьHi.this is Eren.I want to work and live in russia esp in Chelyabinsk эf I can find a job.What э have to do for this or can do?Can u help me?
I wish to move to Kazan and become a permanent resident of the Russian Federation. I am retiring from my job in America. I will have my retirement income, but I wish also to work. I have found a school in Kazan that is interested in hiring me. What is the proper method of obtaining permanent res…
Dear representative, I am Turkish and was born in Turkey, Ankara. I have been working around 6 years abroad; including most part in Russia, others are mostly in CIS countries. I firstly went to Georgia in 17.05.2003, then I have been in Azerbayjan, Sakhalin Island/RF, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and M…
Hi, I reside and work in the UK, however my international passport is about to expire. Do you provide help in obtaining a Russian international passport in 2-3 weeks and how much does it cost? Thank you very much, Maria.
Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Мьянмы, Вьетнама и других странполучить коммерческое предложение |