Residence in Russia
I wish to move to Kazan and become a permanent resident of the Russian Federation. I am retiring from my job in America. I will have my retirement income, but I wish also to work. I have found a school in Kazan that is interested in hiring me. What is the proper method of obtaining permanent res…
- Henry Hodgkin
Russian Immigration Law Project
To whom it may concern, I work for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna, we are currently recruiting Russian legal professionals for this project. If you would happen to know any interested parties please feel free to contact me at the following email address: tobia…
- Tobias Metzner
migration expert
Hi I am a professor at Santa Clara University California. I am looking for English speaking experts on immigration who can collaborate with me on my research on Russian immigration policy. It would be of great help to me if you could do it in the next few days as I plan to visit Russia next week. I…
- Ghaffar Mughal
Здравствуйте! Если человек согласно всем требованиям сдал документы на оформление заграничного паспорта. Могут ли ему ускорить его оформление? Т.к. от сроков зависит многое (документы были поданы 12.11.07). Его приглашают на работу заграницу, но их условия, чтоб он приезжал как можно скорее. …
- Maxim