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Telegram СкачатьDear sirs, Is it possible to find telejob abroad? I live in Russia, know English very well and want to work as a tele specialist. If it is possible, then write to me what vacancies I can find. With best regards, Anna
I was born in India and hold Indian passport. I work in USA for past 3-4 year . I am planning to marry a Russian girl. What immigration status i will be eligible to apply for after marriage?
You must at firs come to Russia. from which country are you from? My sweetheart also wants to live and work in Russia. But at first we must marry so he can stay in Russia.
I wish to move to Kazan and become a permanent resident of the Russian Federation. I am retiring from my job in America. I will have my retirement income, but I wish also to work. I have found a school in Kazan that is interested in hiring me. What is the proper method of obtaining permanent res…
Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Вьетнама и других странполучить коммерческое предложение |