Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Мьянмы, Вьетнама и других стран
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Telegram СкачатьHi, I reside and work in the UK, however my international passport is about to expire. Do you provide help in obtaining a Russian international passport in 2-3 weeks and how much does it cost? Thank you very much, Maria.
Hello, I am a citizen from the European Union, married with a Russian citizen since 10 years. currently residing in Russia with a temporary residence permit. 1- Can you confirm that I may apply for the Russian citizenship in simplified order (married more than 3 years)? 2- If so: I read tha…
You must at firs come to Russia. from which country are you from? My sweetheart also wants to live and work in Russia. But at first we must marry so he can stay in Russia.
Hi. we are intrested to know details about the need and process of sending skilled construction workers to Russia from Asian countries.
Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Мьянмы, Вьетнама и других странполучить коммерческое предложение |