Здравствуйте! Если человек согласно всем требованиям сдал документы на оформление заграничного паспорта. Могут ли ему ускорить его оформление? Т.к. от сроков зависит многое (документы были поданы 12.11.07). Его приглашают на работу заграницу, но их условия, чтоб он приезжал как можно скорее. …
- Maxim
leasing staff from russia
Dear sir/madam, We are working as an entertainment company at Antalya Turkey. i would like to know that how can i lease staff from russia or ukrain etc for my company to work at Turkey. Thanx
- Ozhan Soysal
Russian Immigration Law Project
To whom it may concern, I work for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna, we are currently recruiting Russian legal professionals for this project. If you would happen to know any interested parties please feel free to contact me at the following email address: tobia…
- Tobias Metzner
Dear sirs, Is it possible to find telejob abroad? I live in Russia, know English very well and want to work as a tele specialist. If it is possible, then write to me what vacancies I can find. With best regards, Anna
- Anna