Stay and work at Russia
Dear all , i have not married a russian woman in Greece but i have with her a son , who has already 2 nationalities ( Greek -mine and mothers-Russian ) , are there any special low who can provide me with visa in order to stay with my son and my fiance?? they already live at Tiumen region.
- Sotiropoulos Kostas
Гражданство РФ
Гражданство РФ можете получить в упрощенном порядке в консульстве РФ в Украине через пол года с дня подачи заявления и всех необходимых документов. Де-факто у вас останется гражданство Украины, но это не будет считаться двойным гражданством де-юре, так как РФ будет признавать только ваше Российское …
- Валерий
foreign workers for Russia
Hi. we are intrested to know details about the need and process of sending skilled construction workers to Russia from Asian countries.
- Mr Ben lavi Ilan
RF citizenship in simplified order
Hello, I am a citizen from the European Union, married with a Russian citizen since 10 years. currently residing in Russia with a temporary residence permit. 1- Can you confirm that I may apply for the Russian citizenship in simplified order (married more than 3 years)? 2- If so: I read tha…
- Denis