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Telegram СкачатьHi.this is Eren.I want to work and live in russia esp in Chelyabinsk эf I can find a job.What э have to do for this or can do?Can u help me?
Hi I am a professor at Santa Clara University California. I am looking for English speaking experts on immigration who can collaborate with me on my research on Russian immigration policy. It would be of great help to me if you could do it in the next few days as I plan to visit Russia next week. I…
I was born in India and hold Indian passport. I work in USA for past 3-4 year . I am planning to marry a Russian girl. What immigration status i will be eligible to apply for after marriage?
To whom it may concern, I work for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna, we are currently recruiting Russian legal professionals for this project. If you would happen to know any interested parties please feel free to contact me at the following email address: tobia…
Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Мьянмы, Вьетнама и других странполучить коммерческое предложение |