Citizenship After marriage...
I was born in India and hold Indian passport. I work in USA for past 3-4 year . I am planning to marry a Russian girl. What immigration status i will be eligible to apply for after marriage?
- Narender Kumar
Hi, I reside and work in the UK, however my international passport is about to expire. Do you provide help in obtaining a Russian international passport in 2-3 weeks and how much does it cost? Thank you very much, Maria.
- Maria
Hi.this is Eren.I want to work and live in russia esp in Chelyabinsk эf I can find a job.What э have to do for this or can do?Can u help me?
- eren
Residence in Russia
I wish to move to Kazan and become a permanent resident of the Russian Federation. I am retiring from my job in America. I will have my retirement income, but I wish also to work. I have found a school in Kazan that is interested in hiring me. What is the proper method of obtaining permanent res…
- Henry Hodgkin