Stay and work at Russia
He has not 2 nationalities. Betwean Russia and Greek not signed agreement about 2 nationalities.
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- galinagirll
Registracija turistov iz Germany
Dobry den! Izvinite, chto pishu latinskimi bukvami, no u menja net drugoy klaviatury. Ja zhivu v Estonii, u menja seychas gosti iz Germany. V Rossiyskom Konsulstve v Mьhhene oni sdelali vizu v Russia bez vsjakih priglasheniy. V hodataystve o vize oni ukazyvali tolko(est kopia), chto hotjat ehat v…
- Niina Ohrimenko
Hi to everyone, I want to live in Russia and marry on a Russian woman. I am from Holland. I have some questions: 1) Can I stay legally after marriage in Russia? 2) Which documents I have to prepare in Holland for staying in Russia? 3) Will I need to have a paper about my income in Russia fo…
- questions to specialists