Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Вьетнама и других стран
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Telegram СкачатьTo whom it may concern, I work for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna, we are currently recruiting Russian legal professionals for this project. If you would happen to know any interested parties please feel free to contact me at the following email address: tobia…
You must at firs come to Russia. from which country are you from? My sweetheart also wants to live and work in Russia. But at first we must marry so he can stay in Russia.
No, there is no any special low which can provide you with visa if you are not married with your fiance, even you have common children. You can come to Russia to marry and make permission for temporary residence without quotas for three years.
No, you can not to get Russian citizenship. Married - is not reason to getting RF citizenship. At first, you mast to get permission to temporary live in Russia. In a 3 year you can to put in an application to accept RF citizenship.
Иностранный персонал из Индии, Шри-Ланки, Бангладеш, Вьетнама и других странполучить коммерческое предложение |